Cyber security Switzerland: the 4 threats to watch out for

Swiss cyber security is very important for the smooth functioning of the company and also of our digital lives.

In fact, we could say that together with the strategic coaching and to theEthical Hacking are indispensable elements for the growth of one's business.

You should know that Switzerland's strengths include not only thetax reliefbut there are also considerable policies in the area of cyber security Switzerland.

Many major brands in the IT industry have decided to choose Switzerland as the preferred location for their regional computer centres.

This is because there are specialised realities such as GROT on Cyber security Switzerland and why the electricity grid is reliable, as well as cost-effective to ensure the smooth operation of servers and Security Operations Centre (SOC).

Let's see what we will talk about specifically in this Cyber security Switzerland article:

1.What Cyber Security Switzerland is about

2. Why it is important

3.Cyber security threats

4. Tools

cyber security Switzerland

What Cyber Security Switzerland is about

Cyber security Switzerland means Swiss cyber security.

That is, all those tools, principles and processes that aim to protect computer resources, both networks and user data.

These cyber attacks are often aimed at accessing, processing or distributing sensitive information or extorting money.

Another serious harm they create is that of interrupting normal company processes.

Cyber security was born in 1986, when the first computer security tools were created with the appearance of the first viruses and threats.

The first virus that did serious damage to systems was the Trojan PC-Write in 1986, that year is also the one in which the German hacker was discovered, Marcus Hessstealing data from American networks and reselling them to the KGB.

This is why, as I said, Cyber Security dates back to 1986, precisely in response to the first global threats.

Thus, Swiss cyber security and cyber security in general is not just for large companies or governments, as many people think, but is suitable for all societies and even for individuals.

Indeed, it is a fact that the cybercrime landscape has changed and now the most attractive target for hackers is individuals and small businesses.

This is because they are easier to reach and are potentially unprotected.

We can say that a successful Swiss cyber security approach has several layers of protection within computers, networks, programmes or the data one wants to keep safe.

This is because within a company, employees, processes and the technology used must interact with each other to create an effective defence against potential cyber attacks.

Therefore, users should understand and respect basic data security principles, e.g. using complex passwords, do not open non-secure e-mail attachments and above all perform periodic data backups.

In addition, technology is essential to cope with cyber threats. Endpont devices such as computers, smart devices and routers as well as networks and the cloud must be protected.

The main features of Swiss cyber security and that GROT respects and uses are CIA i.e. Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability.

i.e. confidentiality, integrity and availability if you want to make contact with experts in this field, you just have to click here and contact them.

These principles underpin all Cyber Security Switzerland activities where the ultimate goal is to always ensure that data is

  • Accessible only to authorised persons;
  • Suitsi.e. that no portions are lost or destroyed;
  • Availablei.e. usable at any time.

The five main functions of Cyber Security Switzerland are therefore these:

  • Identify. Analysing and getting to know all the systems, people, resources, data, structures and processes that are involved in IT activity and therefore susceptible to attack.
  • Protect. Set up protection systems for all identified elements.
  • Detect. Implement detection systems for intrusions, infections and other illicit activities, on which interventions and remedial actions can then be based.
  • Answer. Establish a strategy, processes and tools with which to respond to critical events.
  • Restore. Having a strategy and tools for the efficient and effective restoration of system and data operation in general.

Why it is important

Swiss cyber security is important because in this day and age a cybercrime attack can cause a lot of damage, both to the individual and to the company.

Indeed, one can steal identities, confidential information and even go as far as extortion attempts.

This is why it is so important to work with professionals such as GROT also working in the field of cyber threats.

By keeping abreast of new threats and cyber attack strategies that may come to harm companies or individuals, they are able to reveal vulnerabilities and thus strengthen the system.

For any information, please visit their site o contact them directly!

Cyber security threats

There are four types of threats to Swiss cyber security and we will now look at them specifically.


Phishing is nothing more than the practice of sending fraudulent e-mails that resemble real e-mails from trustworthy senders.

These are aimed at stealing sensitive data such as credit cards or access information.

Undoubtedly, it is the most widespread cyber attack, you too may have fallen victim to it.


Ramsomware, you should know, is malicious software.

This is designed to extort money by then blocking access to files or the computer system until the ransom money is paid.

Of course, paying this ransom gives no guarantee that the files will then be recovered or that the system will actually be restored.


Malware is also a type of software that is designed with the intention of gaining unauthorised access to or causing damage to a computer.

Social engineering

Cyber security Switzerland's latest threat is social engineering, a tactic hackers use to trick users into revealing sensitive information to them.

In addition, they can demand a monetary payment or obtain access to confidential data.

Social engineering can also be associated with the previous three listed threats.

The tools

The tools that can be used for Swiss cyber security, together with the specific intervention of specialists such as GROT, are listed in the categories below:

  • Antivirus programmes
  • Access control tools
  • Encryption tools
  • Network analysis and monitoring tools
  • Firewall
  • Intrusion detection systems
  • Penetration tests
  • Backup and recovery systems

It must be said that antivirus, firewall and access control should certainly be indispensable in all systems.

The latter two are usually built-in features of operating systems, while for the antivirus, depending on the degree of protection you want to have, you can choose either a free one or a paid one.

Remember that not only computers are attacked, but also mobile devices come into the sights of hackers, so they must be protected.

In conclusion, Swiss cyber security is an integral part of digital life, which is why it is essential to learn how to perform these activities safely and thus use all possible defence tools.

For this reason, you can turn to the qualified staff of GROT who will be able to help you in this contact them by filling in here.


Picture of Camilla


My name is Camilla Orlandi, born in 1985. A graduate in crime and security from the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, I love writing and travelling. I have always been passionate about enigmas, detective stories, thrillers and criminal profilers. Is this my real identity or the one I created for myself as a secret agent?!



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