It is undeniable that we are facing an epochal change and a major economic and financial crisis, but above all social. The aim of GROT is to offer a small circle of awakened people the necessary tools and support to deal with all this. We are creating, together, a resilient Ticino.
It will NOT be a network/tool for everyone.
If you feel that the concepts below resonate with you, feel free to sign up.

To sculpt a world we do not want, the System has isolated us and made us dependent on it at all levels: personal, relational/social, spiritual, economic/financial, food and technological.

GROT proposes a paradigm of collective prosperity and resilience based on on solid relations between autonomous and free individualscapable of overcoming isolation and breaking this bond of dependence, and which are both functional (skills) as well as integral, deep and based on a healthy and sincere reciprocity.

Our mission is to create a solid network between autonomous people who have now realised the profound change that lies ahead of us. Together, we choose to boycott what we feel is not in line with our hearts, rejecting individualism, materialism, consumerism and profit, as the ultimate instruments of self-realisation.

We do not deny progress, but only recognise that part that gives a
real added value to the quality of our lives and that keeps the human being at the centre. We aim for a slowdown in every sphere and a return to a human-scale rhythm of life.

All this is only possible reassessing in a different key the trust and responsibility we place in institutions and our role within themour social relationships, our beliefs, our values and, last but not least, our aspiration to be happy and experience well-being (including spiritual well-being).

It will not be easy, but we will succeed.

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GROT It is based on the following 8 concepts:

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The following newsletter subscription form allows you to know the next dates of the basic autonomy courses. Participating in one of them is the gateway to the GROT community.

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